George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pl XV
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pl XXII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pl XXIX
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pl XXV
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pl XXXII Peaches
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Plate I
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Plate XXIII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Plums, Pl XV
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Plums, Pl XVI
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Silver Rock Melon, Plate LXVII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Strawberries
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), White Candia, Plate LXXI
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), White Masculine, Red Masculine, Orange Apricot, Turkish Apricot, Pl XIX
George Brookshaw (1751-1823, Raisin de Clames, Pl XLVII
George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879), Canvassing for a Vote
George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879), Stump Speaking
George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879), The County Election
George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879), The Jolly Flat Boatman
George Catlin (1796-1872), To the Cadets of the West Point Military Academy...