Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Galago
Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Galeopitheque varie
Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Maimon
Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Mangabey Variete
Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Papion
Jean-Baptiste Audebert (1759-1800) (artist and engraver), Le Saki Buff
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXXVIII, [Various Skulls of Monkeys]
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate IX, Pithecia hirsuta (The Hairy Saki)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate VII, Brachyurus Israelita (The Red Backed Bearded Saki)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate X, Pithecia Inusta (The Hairy Saki)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XI, Pithecia capillamentosa (The White Headed or Faced Saki)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XII, Callithrix personata (Atlantic or Masked Titi)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XIV, Callithrix cinerascens (The Red or Red Bellied Titi)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XX, Midas fuscicollis (The Brown Headed or Mantled Tamarin)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXII, Midas Mystax (The Mustached Tamarin)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXIII, Midas Oedipus (The Golden Lion Tamarin)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXIV, Right: Midas Bicolor (The Pied Tamarin) and Left: Midas pygmaeus (The Pygmy Marmoset)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXV, Iacchus albicollis (The Common Marmoset)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXVI, Iacchus penicillatus (The Black-Tufted Marmoset)
Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826), author, Plate XXVII, Brachyteles macrotarsus (The Yellow Handed Howler)