Abraham Ortelius (Flemish 1527-1598), Silesiae typus A Martino Helwigio..Nicolao Rhedingero del.
Georg Braun (1541-1622) & Franz Hogenberg (c.1538-1590), Die Stat Swybuschin
Guillaume De L’Isle (1675-1726) L’Allemagne dressee sur les Observations de Tycho-Brahe, de Kepler, de Snellius… [Showing Germany & Austria, and parts of England, France, Poland, Switzerland, Italy and others]
Herman Moll (1654-1732), Poland. Subdivided into its several palatinates &c. Agreeable to Modern History
Johann Christoph Homann Tabula Geographica Europae Austriacae Generalis....
John Thomson (1777-ca. 1840), publisher, Poland as Divided
Mathew Carey (American, 1760-1839), Poland