Benjamin West (1738-1820), after the painting The Death of General Wolfe, at Quebec
Francois Louis Joseph Watteau (1758-1823), after - Mort du General de Montcalme [Death of General Montcalme at Quebec, 1759]
Paul Sandby (1731-1809), A View of Miramichi, a French Settlement in the Gulf of St.Laurence, destroyed by Brigadier Murray
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Baie de Baffin, No. 3
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Grand Banc de Terre -Neuve, No. 45 [Canada]
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Nouvelle Ecosse et Nouveau Brunswick No. 44
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie de la Nouvelle , No. 33
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne , No. 25
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne, No. 32
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne, No. 35
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie du Labrador, No. 28
Philippe Vandermaelen (1795- 1869)) Partie du Labrador, No. 29
Theodor de Bry (1560-1623) and Johann Israel de Bry (1565-1609), Part III, Plate 43, Two Bears which Approached the Ship and what Happened to Them
William Abbott, Views of the Principal Cities on the Line of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada