Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), Typus Orbis Terrarum
Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) Typus Orbis Terrarum From: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum… Published, Antwerp, 1587 [1592] Engraving with original hand-coloring Frame size 26 ⅝ x 32 ½” Paper size 15 ¾ x 21”...
$ 12,500.00 $ 12,500.00
Blaeu, Johannes (Dutch, 1596-1673), & Gerald Valck (Dutch, 1652-1726) Novus Planiglobii Terrestris...
Johannes Blaeu (Dutch, 1596-1673), & Gerald Valck (Dutch, 1652-1726)Novus Planiglobii Terrestris per Utrumuque Polum ConspectusAmsterdam, c. 1672-73, [c.1695]Engraving, showing the unusual depiction of both North and South polesPaper size 16...
$ 8,500.00 $ 8,500.00
Cornelis van Wytfliet (1555-1597), Utriusque Hemispherii Delineatio (Double Hemisphere world map)
Cornelis van Wytfliet (1555-1597)Utriusque Hemispherii Delineatio (Double Hemisphere world map)Histoire universelle des indes, orientales et occidentales. Douai: François Fabri, 1607Engraving9 x 11 3/8" (platemark), 10 5/8 x 13 3/8" (sheet) This...
$ 1,575.00 $ 1,575.00
Cornelius Danckerts (1561–1634), Nieuw Aerdsch Pleyn
Cornelius Danckerts (1561–1634) Nieuw Aerdsch Pleyn Published 1700 Engraving with hand coloring Size: 24 ¾ x 21 ½”
$ 28,000.00 $ 28,000.00
Du Val,Pierre (French, 1618-1683), Le Planisphere Autrement Le Carte Du Monde Terrestre...[In Two Parts]
Pierre Du Val (French, 1618-1683)Le Planisphere Autrement Le Carte Du Monde Terrestre...[In Two Parts]Published, Paris, I. Lagnet, 1660Engraving with original outline coloringPaper size part 1, 16 5/8 x 16 3/4”,part...
$ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00
Fries, Laurent (ca, 1485-1532), Orbis Typus Universalis Hydrographorum Traditionem...
Laurent Fries (ca, 1485-1532)Orbis Typus Universalis Hydrographorum Traditionem...From: Ptolemy’s GeographiaPublished, Strassburg, 1522WoodcutPaper size 15 3/8 x 19 1/4”Ref: Shirley, Rodney W., The Mapping of the World: Early Printed World Maps...
$ 9,500.00 $ 9,500.00
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) and Rumold Mercator (1545–1599), Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio..
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) and Rumold Mercator (1545–1599) Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio.. From Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Published Duisburg, 1587 (1595) Engraving with original hand-coloring Paper size: 22 x 24 1/4" Framed size:...
$ 19,000.00 $ 19,000.00
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) & Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), Orbis Terrae Novissima Descriptio
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) & Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) Orbis Terrae Novissima Descriptio Published, Amsterdam, 1633, 3rd state Copperplate engraving with hand-coloring p.m. 13 x 20 ¼” Paper size 18 x 24...
$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) - Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612), Orbis Terrae Compiosa Descriptio
Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) - Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) Orbis Terrae Compiosa Descriptio Published, Amsterdam, ca. 1623-1630 Engraving with hand-coloring Frame size 29 ⅜ x 33 ½” Paper size 18 ¼ x...
Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1686-1766) & Didier Robert de Vaugondy (1723-1786), Mappe Monde ou Description de Globe Terrestre…
Gilles Robert de Vaugondy (1686-1766) & Didier Robert de Vaugondy (1723-1786) Mappe Monde ou Description de Globe Terrestre… Published, Paris, 1743 Engraving Frame size 31 ¼ x 41 ¼” Paper...
Giovanni Paolo Cimerlinus (1534/1535-1609 after), Cosmographia universalis ab Orontio olim descripta
Giovanni Paolo Cimerlinus (1534/1535-1609 after) Cosmographia universalis ab Orontio olim descripta Venice: Giovanni Paolo Cimerlinus, 1566 Engraved map with a dark impression Sheet size: 19 1/4 x 23 in. Frame...
$ 225,000.00 $ 225,000.00
Guillaume de Nautonier (French, 1560-1620), Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio...
Guillaume de Nautonier (French, 1560-1620)Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio...From: Meconmetrie De Leymant, C’Est a Dire la Maniere de Mesurer...Published, Venice, 1603EngravingPaper size 12 x 17 5/8”, p.m. 11 1/2 x 16...
Hendrick de Leth (1703-1766), Carte Nouvelle de la Mer du Sud
Hendrick de Leth (1703-1766) Carte Nouvelle de la Mer du Sud Engraving with original hand coloring Published Amsterdam, 1740 Framed size: 32 x 46”
$ 32,000.00 $ 32,000.00
Henry Teesdale (1776-1855) Western Hemisphere [North and South America]
Henry Teesdale (1776-1855) Western Hemisphere [North and South America] Published by H. Teesdale & Co., London, 1831 Engraving with original outline hand-coloring Paper size 15 ¼ x 18 ½” p.m....
$ 285.00 $ 285.00
Home LIbrary and Supply Association, The Chart of the World by Mercator’s Projection
Home LIbrary and Supply AssociationThe Chart of the World by Mercator’s ProjectionPublished, Home Library and Supply Association, Chicago, ca. 1890’sChromolithographPaper size 14 7/16 x 21 3/4”, 11 3/4 x 18”
$ 300.00 $ 300.00
James Gall & Robert Inglis (1820?-1887) Western Hemisphere, Pl. XII [North & South America, Includes the height of Mountains and length of Rivers for the Continents, on the lower margin]
James Gall & Robert Inglis (1820?-1887) Western Hemisphere, Pl. XII [North & South America, Includes the height of Mountains and length of Rivers for the Continents, on the lower margin]...
$ 900.00 $ 900.00
Johann Baptiste Homann (German, 1663-1724), Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti…
Johann Baptiste Homann (German, 1663-1724) Planiglobii Terrestris cum Utroq Hemisphaerio Caelesti… Published, Nuremberg, ca. 1720 Engraving with hand-coloring Sheet size: 20 ¼ x 23 ½” Plate mark: 19 x 21...
$ 3,750.00 $ 3,750.00
John Arrowsmith (1790-1873) The World on Mercator’s Projection, Pl. 2
John Arrowsmith (1790-1873) The World on Mercator’s Projection, Pl. 2 From: The London Atlas of Universal Geography Published, J. Arrowsmith, London, 1840 Engraving with original hand-coloring, includes inset maps of...
$ 600.00 $ 600.00
Kircher, Anthanasius (German, 1602-1680), Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica...
Anthanasius Kircher (German, 1602-1680)Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in universo orbe Indicans...From: Mundus Subterraneus...Published, Amsterdam, 1665Engraving, showing ocean currents, chasms and volcanoes as then recordedPaper size 16...
$ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00
Le Rouge, Georges (French, Fl. ca. 1740-1780), Mappe monde nouvelle
Georges Le Rouge (French, Fl. ca. 1740-1780)Mappe monde nouvelle : dedie´e a monseigneur le comte de Maurepas Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat. From: Atlas Generale, 1741-1762Published, G. Le Rouge, Paris 1744Engraving...
$ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00