Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865) Common and Alpine Swift Heads
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865) Kite and Buzzard Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Golden and White Tailed Eagle Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Golden Eagle Head
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Hen Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, and Eagle Owl Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Hobby, Peregrine Falcon and Jer Falcon Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Kestril and Merlin Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Nightjar, Kingfisher, Ash colored Shrike, Spotted Fly Catcher and Pied Fly Catcher Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Red-backed Shrike, Wood Shrike and Dipper Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Roller, Bee Eater, Swallow, Martin, Sand-Martin and Swift Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Rough-Legged Buzzard, Honey Buzzard and Marsh Harrier Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Scops-eared Owl, Hawk Owl and Long-eared Owl Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Sparrow-Hawk, Goshawk, and Osprey Eggs
Henry Leonard Meyer (1797-1865), Tengmalm's Owl, Little Owl, Tawny Owl and Yellow Owl Eggs