Georg Ehret (1708-1770), Verbascum tab LVII
Georg Wolfgang Knorr (1705 -1761) - Philip Ludwig Statius Muller (1725-1776), Deliciae Naturae Selectae of Uitgeleezen Kabinet van Natuurlyke Zeldzaamheden ...
George Balthasar Probst (1673-1748), Jerusalem Hodierna
George Balthasar Probst (1732-1801), Loretto
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pomona Britannica
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Pomona Britannica, or a collection of the most esteemed fruits at present cultivated in Great Britain
George Brookshaw (1751-1823) Pears, Pl LXXVI
George Brookshaw (1751-1823) Red Frontiniac, Pl LVI
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Amicua, Pl LXXII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Antigua Pineapple, Pl LV
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Frontiac Grapes, Pl LVII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Hamburgh, Pl LIX
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Jamaica, Pl XL
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Muscadine, Pl L
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Black Muscadine, Plate I
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Bleeding Heart, Ox Heart, & Maple Heart Cherries, Pl IX
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Brown Havannah, Pl XLIII
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Cantaloupes, Pl LXX
George Brookshaw (1751-1823), Cherries, Pl VII