David H. Burr (1803-1875), Map of New Jersey and Pennsylvania exhibiting the past offices, past roads, canals, railroads etc.
David H. Burr (1803-1875), The United States of Mexico
David H. Burr (1803-1875), Upper Canada
David H. Burr (1803–1875), Ohio
David Johnston (1946 - 2016), Falcon
David Johnston (1946 - 2016), Falcon, 1973
David Low (1786-1859), The Devon Breed
David Low (1786-1859), The Wild or White Forest Breed
David Ramsay (1747-1815) & Charles Picquet, Plan du Seige d’York et de Gloucester par les Armees Allies en Septembre et Octobre 1781
David Ramsay (1747-1815), Plan of the Investment of York & Gloucester...
David Ramsay (1749-1815), South Carolina & parts adjacent, showing the movements of the American & British armies
David Ramsay (1749-1815), Military Memoirs of Great Britain: or, A History of the War, 1775-1763.
David Roberts (1796-1864) The Sea of Tiberias: Sea of Galilee of Genezareth, looking towards Bashan, April 21st, 1839
David Roberts (1796-1864), A Colossal Statue at the Entrance to the Temple of Luxor
David Roberts (1796-1864), Absalom's Pillar Valley of Jehoshaphat
David Roberts (1796-1864), Fountain of Job
David Roberts (1796-1864), Fountain of the Virgin, Nazareth
David Roberts (1796-1864), Gebil Hor
David Roberts (1796-1864), Jenin, Ancient Jezreel
David Roberts (1796-1864), Mount Seir Wady el Ghor