Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Squammatafeudentaria Major
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Tanacetum inodorum flore Belli dis maioris
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Tanacetum modorum flore
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Trifolium Bituminofumodoratum
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Tussilago
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Visla martia flore uibro
Basilius Besler (1561-1629), Xylosteom alterum Do donei
Bataille de Caine’s Mill
Benjamin Cole (1697-1783), engraver , A Perspective View of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich (London)
Benjamin Smith (1754-1833), After, Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), His Most Gracious Majesty King George the Third…
Benjamin Tanner (1775-1848), after Hugh Reinagle (1775-1848), Macdonough’s Victory on Lake Champlain...
Benjamin Tanner (1775-1848), after J. J. Barralet (ca. 1747-1815), The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Benjamin Tanner (1775-1848), The Burning of the Theatre in Richmond, Virginia, on the Night of 26th December 1811...
Benjamin West (1738-1820), after painting by, William Penn's Treaty with the Indians when he founded the Province of Pennsylvania in North America, 1681
Benjamin West (1738-1820), after the painting The Death of General Wolfe, at Quebec
Benjamin West (1738-1820), after, La Mort Du General Wolfe
Benjamin Wilkes (died 1749), Pl XXXIX
Benjamin Wilkes (died 1749), Pl C
Benjamin Wilkes (died 1749), Pl CV
Benjamin Wilkes (died 1749), Pl CXII