Jacques Barraband (1767-1809), Le Geai Bleu
Jacques Barraband (1767-1809), Le Petit Rolle Violet a Gorge Bleue
Jacques Barraband (1767-1809), Le Pie de Paradis ou L'Incomparable Male
John Webber (1751-1793), A View in Ohetepeha Bay, in the Island of Otaheite
John Webber (1751-1793), A Toopapaoo of a Chief
John Webber (1751-1793), Boats of the Friendly Islands
John Webber (1751-1793), View in Queen Charlotte's Sound, New Zealand
John Webber (1751-1793), View in the Island of Cracatoa
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Scomber Crumenophthalmus
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Scomber Niger
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Scorpaena Scrofa
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Sparus Abildgaardi
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Sparus Maena
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Sparus Salpa
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Sparus Tetracanthus
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Stromateus Paru
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Tetrodon Testudineus
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Trachinus Draco
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Trigla Cuculus
Marcus Elieser Bloch (1723-1799), Trigla Lyra