Thomas Moran (1837-1926), The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
Thomas Moran (1837-1926), The Mosquito Trail Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Elevation 12000 Feet
Thomas Moran (1837-1926), The Tower of Tower Falls, Yellowstone
Thomas Nast (1840-1902), A general blow up--dead asses kicking a live lion
Thomas Nast (1840-1902), The Biggest Scare and Hoax Yet! The wild animals let loose again by the zoomorphism press!
Thomas Pennant (British, 1726-1798), The British Zoology
Thomas Pownall (1722-1805) & Paul Sandby (1731-1809), after, A View of the Falls on the Passaick, or Second River in the Province of New Jersey...
Thomas Pownall (1722-1805) & Paul Sandby (1731-1809), after, A View of the Great Cohoes Falls on the Mohawk River...
Thomas Pownall (British, 1722-1805), A Map of the Middle British Colonies in North America...
Thomas Prichard Rossiter (1818-1871) & Louis Remy Mignot (1831-1870), The Home of Washington
Thomas Rowlandson (British, ca. 1756-1827), A charm for a democracy, reviewed, analysed, & destroyed Jan. 1st 1799 to the confusion of its affiliated friends
Thomas Rowlandson (British, ca. 1756-1827), Stolen Kisses
Thomas Rowlandson (British, ca. 1756-1827), The Hopes of the Family, or Miss Marrowfat at home for the holidays
Thomas Rowlandson (British, ca. 1756-1827), Three principal requisites to form a modern man of fashion
Thomas Sewell Robins (British, 1814-1880), after The Kestrel, R.Y.S. (also with Flint, Camilla and Pearl in Background)
Thomas Sinclair Lithographer, San Francisco, 1851
Thomas Sully (1783-1872) Et Al., [A Sheet of Vignettes, Depiction of Stephen Girard, New York Exchange, Philadelphia Exchange, Washington, Lafayette, various coins..]
Thomas Sully (1783-1872), after, Major General Andrew Jackson...
Thomas Whitcombe (1763 - 1824), Commencement of the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21st 1805
Thomas Whitcombe (1763 - 1824), Destruction of the French Fleet in Basque Roads, April 12th 1809