Robert de Vaugondy (1688-1766) and Denis Diderot (1713-1784), Carte qui représente les différentes connoissance...s
Robert de Vaugondy (1723-1786) & Charles-Francois Delamarche (1740-1817), Mappe Monde ou Carte Générale du Globe Terrestre…
Robert De Vaugondy (French, 1723-1786), Amerique Septentrionale...
Robert De Vaugondy (French, 1723-1786), Gouvernemens Generaux de la Marche, Du Limosin et de L’Auvergne
Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, (1723-1786) & Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, (1688-1766), Carte de L’Egypte Ancienne et Moderne
Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, (French, 1723-1786) & Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, (French, 1688-1766), L’Afrique, dressee, sur les relations les plus recentes…
Robert Dunkarton (1744–1811), John Penn Esq.
Robert Edge Pine (1730-1788), The Solitude near Philadelphia
Robert Havell Jr. (1793–1878), View of West Point, United States Military Academy
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837) Flora Dispensing her Favours
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), The White Lily with Variegated leaves
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), A Group of Auriculas
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), American Bog Plants
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Curious American Bog Plants
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Esculapius, Flora, Ceres and Cupid honoring the bust of Linnaeus
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Group of Carnations
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Large Flowering Sensitive Plant
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), New Illustration of the Sexual System of Carolus von Linnaeus ... the Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Tankerville's Limodorun or Chinese Limodoron
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), Temple of Flora, or, Garden of the Botanist, Poet, Painter, and Philosopher