Peter F. Rothermel (1817-1895), after, The Battle of Gettysburg
Peter Hayman (British, B. 1930), Gyrfalcon
Peter Marzio, Preliminary Trial of a Horse Thief in Kansas City
Peter Moran (American, 1841-1914), Harvest in San Juan, New Mexico
Peter Paillou (British, 1720-1790) A Male from Brasil as Large as Life [Monkey]
Peter Paillou (British, c.1720-1790), The Rock Pigeon (Columba Livia)
Peter PELHAM (1697 - 1751) artist and engraver. Cottonus Matherus, S. Theologiæ Doctor Regiæ Societatis Londonensis Socius, et Ecclesiae Bostonum Nov-Anglorum. [Boston, 1727.]
Peter Schenk (1661-1711), Imperii Persici Delineato..Ab Adriano Relando
Peter Van Ryne, General View of the City of Amsterdam from the Tye
Philadelphia Card Table (Inv. 0301)
Philadelphia Dressing Table (Inv. 0327)
Philadelphia Dressing Table (Inv. 0338)
Philadelphia Racket-Back Side Chair (Inv. 0023)
Philadelphia Side Chair (Inv. 0011)
Philadelphia Side Chair (Inv. 0028)
Philadelphia Side Chair (Inv. 0033)
Philadelphia Walnut Chest on Frame (Inv. 0318)
Philadelphia, 1765-80, Side chair (Inv. 0357)
Philip Miller (1691-1771), Figures of the most Beautiful, Useful, and Uncommon Plants described in The Gardeners' Dictionary...
Philip Rickman (British, 1891-1982), Ducks