Nicolino Calyo (1799-1884), Philadelphia from Camden
Nicolino Calyo (1799-1884), The Philadelphia Water Works
Nicolino Calyo (1799-1884), View of New York City as It Appeared on the Eve of the Fire, 1835
Nicolino Vicompte Calyo (1799-1884), Cincinnati on the Ohio River
Nicolino Vicompte Calyo (1799-1884), View of New York
Nikolaus Joseph Freiherr von Jacquin (1727-1817), Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia...
Northern Delaware or Southeastern Pennsylvania High Chest of Drawers
Northwestern University
Norton Bush (1834-1894). A Tropical Scene
Norton Bush (1834-1894). A Tropical View
O. H. Bailey & Co., City of Norwich, Conn.
O.W. Gray & Son, Florida
O.W. Gray, Gray’s Atlas Map of Delaware and Maryland [with inset map of The District of Columbia]
Oakley Hoopes Bailey (1843-1847), drawn by, View of Danbury Conn. 1875
Ora White Hitchcock (1796-1863), artist, Gorge Between Holyoke and Tom
Ordon del Exmo, after, Carta General para las Navegaciones a la India Oriental par el Mar del sur.. Continente Americano…
Original watercolor created for the manuscript folio The Felidae Cat Kind
Orlando Vincent Schubert (1844-1928), Isaac Leisy and Co. Lager Beer Wagon
Ottens, R. (Reinier),1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765, Nieuwe Caarte van Kaap de Goede Hoop en't Zuyderdeel van Africa { with two inset views of the fortifications and bay of Good Hope]
Owen Jones (1809-1874), Indian No 3