Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 36. The Two Lepidopters of Castnia (Castnia evalthoides) on a Tobacco Plant
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 39. Mexican Primrose-Willow with a moth
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 40. Papaya
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 42. The Hibiscus
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 44. Unidentifiable caper
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 48. Tabrouba Tree with Stag Beetle, Palm Weevil and other Insects
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 50. White Batata. Large Horned Beetle with Sweet Potato
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 54. The Balli Plant. Red Ginger Plant With Wasp
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 56. The Crocus-like Plant, Belostoma grandis and Frogs
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Plate 6. Nightshade (Solanum spec.)
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Study of a tulip, carnation and two shells
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Study of a tulip, two marigolds, and two shells [possibly an African Marigold on the left and French marigold on the right]
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Study of a Tulip, Two Shells and Flowers
Maria Sibylla Merian (German, 1647-1717), Study of a vine, caterpillars and pupae
Maria Sibylla Merian, The Slaaperties Plant, Plate 32
Maria Sibylla Merian, The White Guava, Plate 57
Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan (1821-1886), Mapa General del Peru
Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan, (1821-1886) and A. Simeon, Vista General de Lima (Peru)
Mariano Felipe Paz Soldan, (1821-1886) and A. Simeon, Vista General de Moquegua & Vista General de Africa
Mark Catesby (1683-1749), T 13, Silky Camellia and Ruby-crowned Kinglet