Leonhard Fuchs (1501-1566), De historia stirpium commentarii insignes...
Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1567), Plate 530, Mandragora Mas
Leopold Trattinnick (1764-1839), Plate 11
Leopold Trattinnick (1764-1839), Plate 26
Leopold Trattinnick (1764-1839), Plate 27
Leopold Trattinnick (1764-1839), Plate 39
Leopold Trattinnick (1764-1839), Plate 46
Leopold Zinnogger (Austrian, 1811-1872), Hyacinth
Leopold Zinnogger (Austrian, 1811-1872), Narcissus and Orchid
Leopold Zinnogger (Austrian, 1811-1872), Tulip and Foxglove
Lewis Evans (1700-1756), A General Map of the Middle British Colonies, in America...
Lieut. John Hills, (Fl. 1777-1817), Surveyor, Sketch of the Surprise of German Town by the American Forces...
Lieut. Thomas W. Symons (1849-1920), Map of the Department of the Columbia..by Lieut Thomas W. Symons Corp of Engineers...
Lieut. William H. Emory (1811-1887), Map of the United States and their Territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean and Part of Mexico
Lieutenant John Ross (d. 1843), Course of the River Mississipi...
LIff’s Imperial Atlas of the World , Africa
Linder, after painting by, Bloque Partout! - Blocked Up!
Lithograph by Jules Arnout, After Jacques Girard Milbert (1766-1840), Machine a vapeur sur la Rivere Schykill
London Magazine A Correct Plan of Constantinople with the Adjacent Country from an Actual Survey
London Magazine, A Map of the Harbour of Louisburg and parts adjacent