Joseph H. Colton (1800-1893), Arkansas
Joseph H. Colton (1800-1893), Austria
Joseph H. Colton (1800-1893), Colton’s Map of Illinois
Joseph H. Colton (1800-1893), Map of the Oil District of West Virginia and Ohio
Joseph H. Colton (1800-1893), Pennsylvania
Joseph H. Harper & Malcolm L. MacDonald, Map of the Mining Claims Butte and Vicinity Montana
Joseph Honore Maxime Pellegrin (French, 1793-1869), Ship Loch Lamar of Boston Wilson Hichborn Master, entering Marseillies 1856
Joseph Honore Maxime Pellegrin (French, 1793-1869), The "Junius" of Plymouth, R. Cowen, 1834
Joseph Honore Maxime Pellegrin (French, 1793-1869), The Spanish Ship Fraternidad Captain Jose Blay 1858
Joseph Hutchins Colton (1800-1893) - Colton's New Topographical Map of the Eastern Portion of the State of North Carolina...
Joseph Hutchins Colton (1800-1893) and George W. Colton (1827-1901), Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands [with] New Zealand [and] Feejee Group, Society Island, Marquesas and Galapagos Islands
Joseph Hutchins Colton (1800-1893), Colton’s New Topographical Map of the States of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland & Delaware and portions of other adjoining states
Joseph Hutchins Colton (1800-1893), Colton’s Map of the Oil District of Pennsylvania..Counties of Crawford, Venango and Warren
Joseph Hutchins Colton (American, 1800-1893), Colton’s United States Shewing the Military Stations, Forts &c
Joseph Hutchins Colton (American, 1800-1893). Guide through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Kansas…
Joseph Melling (French, 1724-1796), Cactus grandiflorus (Selenicereus grandiflorus)
Joseph Pennell (1860 - 1926), Christ Church
Joseph Pennell (1860 - 1926), New York from Brooklyn
Joseph Purcell, A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia comprehending the Spanish Dominions...
Joseph Scott, Massachusetts