Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), after, Combat de Scies et de Baleines..Vue de L. Mt. Sainte Helene
Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), Barcelonne, [Barcelona, Spain]
Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), Bourdeaux, France
Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), Cannes, France
Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), Lorient, [Northwestern France]
Ambroise Louis Garneray (French, 1783-1857), St. Tropez, France
Ambroise Tardieu (1788-1841) & Alexandre Vuillemin (1812-1880), Etats - Unis & Mexique
Amedee Francois Frezier (1682-1773), Isle de S. Domingue... [Haiti and Dominican Republic]
American Lithographic Company, Buy Liberty Bonds
American School, Fort Cummings..Peak Grant County
American School, Market Street Ferry Camden
American School, Memorial Hall, International Exhibition, Fairmount Park
American School, Mount Vernon in Virginia the Seat of the Late Liet General George Washington...
American School, Philadelphia, 1830
American School, Representation at the Gas Works, Philadelphia
American School, Steam Heat and Power System, Plattsmouth Shops, Mar. 1904
American School, Vertical View of Water Works, Schuylkill River and Fairmount Park
American School, [Manuscript Map of Pennsylvania]
Amherst College
Amos Doolittle (1754-1832) & Benson John Lossing (1813-1891), The Honorable John Winthrop, Esq.