Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772), Carte du Cours des Rivieres de Faleme et Sanaga dans les Pays de Banbuc et Tamba Awra..Mr. Compagnon {Part of Mali and Cameroon in West Africa]
Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772), Plan de la Ville de Quebec
Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-1772), Plan duFort St. Lois dans L’Isle de Sanaga ou du Senegal
Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-72), Carte de la Partie Orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada
Jacques Nicolas Bellin (French, 1703-72), Carte Reduite d'une Partie de l'Ocean Atlantique ou Occidental.
Jacques-Louis-Florentin Engramelle (1734 – 1814), Papillons d'Europe, Peints d'apres Nature
James Ackerman, Sea Coast Tide Gauge
James Akin (c. 1773-1846), The Pedlar and his pack or the Desperate effort, an over balance
James Bolton (British, 1735-1799), Double Carnation Hyacinth & Violet Coloured Cyclamen
James Bolton (British, 1735-1799), Double China Pink & Purple Veined Larkspur
James Bolton (British, 1735-1799), [Bouquet with Shell]
James Bolton (British, 1735-1799), [Cyclamen and Cowery Shell]
James Bolton (British, 1735-1799), “Fringilla montifringilla” [Brambling or Mountain Finch]
James Bruce (1730–1794), To The King. This map, Containing a Chart of the Arabian Gulf With its Egyptian, Ethiopian and Arabian Coasts…
James Colt Clapp (1823-1866), delineated, Pittsfield (Massachusetts)
James Cook (1728-1779); Joseph Bernard de Chabert (1724-1805); and Charles Pierre Claret de Fleurieu (1738-1810); A Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland, Drawn from a Great Number of Hydrographical Surveys...
James Emery, View of Bucksport, Me. From Fort Knox
James Everett Stuart (1852-1941), Morning Glow Mt. Hood
James Everett Stuart (1852-1941), Yellowstone Canyon
James Fuller Queen (1820 or 1821-1886), First Baptist Church of West Philadelphia