George F. Cram (1842-1928), Idaho
George F. Cram (1842-1928), Michigan and Wisconsin
George F. Cram (1842-1928), Dallas Texas
George F. Cram (1842-1928), New Railroad & Township Map of Kansas and Missouri
George F. Cram (1842-1928), Oklahoma Farm Mortgage Co., Real Estate Loans Oklahoma City, Okla C. 1900
George F. Cram (American, 1841-1928), Africa
George F. Cram (American, 1841-1928), N.W. Africa & Africa
George F. Cram (American, 1841-1928), New Sectional Map of Missouri…
George F. Cram and Co., Cram’s Unrivaled Terrestrial Globe
George Grierson (1680-1753), after The Sea Coast of France from Ushent to Olone
George Grierson (c. 1678-1753), A Chart of the Islands of Cape Verd
George H. Ellsbury, Del Charles Shuber, Lith., Chicago Lith Co., St. Paul, Minn.
George Hayward (American ca. 1800 - 1872) after Archibald Robertson (1765 - 1835), New York, about 1790
George Hayward, Park Place, New-York
George Heap (1714-1752) and Nicholas Scull (1687-1761), An East Perspective View of the City of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pensylvania, in North America; Taken From the Jersey Shore.
George Heap (1714-1752) and Nicholas Scull (1687-1761), An East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia taken by George Heap from the Jersey Shore