John Lewis Krimmel (1786-1821), Procession of Victuallers
John Melish (1771-1822), Map of Philadelphia County...
John Reed (1887-1920), The Honorable House of Representatives... Map of the City and Liberties at Philadelphia…
John Rubens Smith (1775-1849), Certificate of life membership to the Philadelphia Association for the relief of disabled firemen
John Serz (Ca. 1810-1878) Philadelphia and Environs und Umgegend
John Serz (ca. 1810-1878), After Brittan, S. B. (Samuel Byron), Fairman’s Mansion & Treaty Tree
John Serz (ca. 1810-1878, After Paul Weber (1823-1916), Philadelphia. View from Peter’s Farm.
John Serz, Philadelphia
Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (1721-1824), [Pennsylvania], Includes: Part of New Castle County, County of Chester, County of Philadelphia, County of Bucks and Part of New Jersey
Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (1722--1824), A Chart of the Delaware River from Bombay Hook to Ridley Creek...
Joseph Pennell (1860 - 1926), Christ Church
Joseph Vernet (1714-1789), Vue du port Philadelphie
Joshua Fisher (1707-1783), A Chart of Delaware Bay and River…
Julius Bien (1826-1909), Bird’s Eye View International Exhibition 1876.
Lemon Hill
Lieut. John Hills, (Fl. 1777-1817), Surveyor, Sketch of the Surprise of German Town by the American Forces...
Lithograph by Jules Arnout, After Jacques Girard Milbert (1766-1840), Machine a vapeur sur la Rivere Schykill
Louis Aubrun, Main Building International Exhibition. 1876.
Louis Haugg (1856-1894), After John L. Krimmel (1821 State), White’s Great Cattle Show and Grand Procession of Victuallers
Max Rosenthal (1833-1918), Grand Lodge Room of the New Masonic Hall…