Ernst Friedrich Carl Lang (German, 1748-1782) In The Workshop of, based on a Template by Barbara Regina Dietzsch (German, 1706-1783), A Male Common Redstart With Nest
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), B. Harley Bradley House, Tafel XXII
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), Living Room, The Avery Coonley House, Tafel LVI
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), Mason City National Bank, Mason City, IA, Tafel IL
G. Rauber (German), Gefiedertes Volk [Feathered Folk]
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 11
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 41
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 47
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 62
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 66
Georg Boeckler (active 1644-1698), Plate 69
Georg Dionysius Ehret (British, 1708-1770), Granadilla folio lunato flore parvo albo fructu succulente ovate Houst Linn. Sp: Pl: 957Passiflore vespertilio 26
Georg Dionysius Ehret (British, 1708-1770), Mespilus a pu folio sylvestris sive oxycantha Rubus major fructu nigro 1B [Medlar and blackberry plants with emperor moths, caterpillars and pupae
Georg Dionysius Ehret (British, 1708-1770), Passiflora Laurifolia Grandilla, fructu Citriformi foliis oblongis. Tourn.
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Aloe guinensis (Horse Aloe)
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Aloe Guinensis radice geniculata folis e viridi & alri undulatum variegalis
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Amaryllis Linn. Lilio Narcissus Africanus Scilla Folis...
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Balsamina formenia flore variegate pleno (Garden Balsam or Rose Balsam)
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Bouquet
Georg Dionysius Ehret (German, 1708-1770), Butomus Linn.