Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Painted Bunting On A Branch [Passerin nonpareil sur une branche (Passerina Ciris)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Pair of African Yellow-rumped Singers [Couple de chanteurs d’Afrique à croupion jaune (Serinus atrogularis)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Pair of Crested Ducks [Couple de canards huppés (Lophonetta specularioides)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Passenger Pigeon [Tourterelle voyageuse (Ectopistes migratorius)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Pelican
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Red-headed Lovebird [Inseperable a tete rouge (Agapornis pullaris)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Ruff [Chevalier combattant (Philomachus pugnax)]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) [Eurasian Spoonbill]
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Two Male Ruff on the Lek
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Untitled (Pigeon?)
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Untitled (Quail?)
Nicolas Robert (French, 1614-1685), Variety of Mallard Duck
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1835), An owl with its prey
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1846), A Branch of Orange Blossom, with a Bee-Eater
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1846), A Quince Branch
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1846), Bauhine d’Amerique [Bauhinia]
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1846), Eugenie Jamrosade or Rose Apple
Pancrace Bessa (French, 1772-1846), Peaches