Captain James Cook (1728-1729) and John Webber (1751-1793), The Inside of a Winter Habitation, in Kamschatka
Captain James Cook (1728-1729) and John Webber (1751-1793), The Natche, a Ceremony in Honour of the Kings Son in Tongataboo
Captain James Cook (1728-1729) and John Webber (1751-1793), The Tschuktschi and their Habitations
Christoph Jakob Trew (1695-1769) - Georg Ehret(1708-1770), Plantae selectae quarum imagines...pinxit Georgius Dionysius Ehret
Christoph Jakob Trew (1695-1769), Georg Ehret (1708-1770), Tulipa III, La Coquine, 11 [Tulip]
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 10, Vol. 3
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 18, Vol. 1
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 18, Vol. 4
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 20, Vol. 4
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 21, Vol. 3
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 27, Vol. 2
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 30, Vol. 2
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 32, Vol. 2
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 33, Vol. 1
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 38, Vol. 1
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 42, Vol. 2
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 42, Vol. 4
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 46, Vol. 2
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 55, Vol. 4
Colen Campbell (1676–1729), Plate 63, Vol. 2