Karl Bodmer (1809-1893), Vig. XXXI - Bellvue, Mr. Dougherty's Agency on the Missouri
Karl Bodmer (1809-1893), Vig. XXXII - Cleveland Lighthouse on the Lake Erie
martial law
Mather Brown, Historical painter, after To the Lords Commissioners.. This Print of the Celebrated Victory obtained by the British Fleet under the command of Earl Howe over the French Fleet on the Glorious First of June 1794
Paolo Fumagalli, [Philadelphia State House], Pl. 42
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Amaryllis Regina 24
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Amaryllis Belladonna 45
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Amaryllis Formosissima 6
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Amaryllis Longifolia 42
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Amaryllis Picta 5
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Crinum Hybridum Pedunculatim, Zeylanicum 30
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Crinum Yuccaedes 21
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Crinum Zeylanicum 29
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Hemerocallis Carulea 50
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Lilium Longiflorum 8
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), Pancratium Amboinense 20
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837) Flora Dispensing her Favours
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), The White Lily with Variegated leaves
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), A Group of Auriculas
Robert John Thornton (1768-1837), American Bog Plants