John Speed (1552-1629), Northumberland
John Speed (1552-1629), Part of York Shire
John Speed (1552-1629), Rutlandshire with Durham and Stanford...
John Speed (1552-1629), Surrey Described and Divided into Hundreds
John Speed (1552-1629), The Counti of Warwick from Shire Towne and Citie of Coventre described
John Speed (1552-1629), The Countie Palatine of Lancaster described and divided into Hundreds
John Speed (1552-1629), The Countye of Monmouth with the Situation of the Shiretowne described Ann. 1610
John Speed (1552-1629), The Countye Palatine of Chester…
John Speed (1552-1629), The West Ridinge of Yorkshyre with the Most Famous and Fayre Citie Yorke described 1610
John Speed (1552-1629), Worcestershire described
John Speed (1552-1629, Northamptonshire
John Speede (1552-1629,) Norfolk a Countie Flourishing & Populous Described and Divided with the Armes of such Noble Familes…
John Thomson (1777-ca. 1840), publisher, Remote British Islands
John Thornton and Samuel Thornton, A New Correct Draught of the Channel between England and France..Observed by Capt. Edm. Halley
Marcus Willemsz Doornick (1633-1703), A True Portrait with a brief Description of that deplorable Fire of London...
Mathew Carey (1760-1839), An Accurate Map of England and Wales with the Principal Roads…
Pieter Goos (ca. 1616-1675), Paskaarte om Achter Yrlandt…
Pieter Goos (Dutch, 1616-1675), Paskaerte van’t in comen Van’t Canaal, hoemen…
Rand, McNally & Company, England and Wales