Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Scooping Avocet Plt XX
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Sky & Wood Lark Plt L
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Sparrow Hawk Female Plt XIII
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Sparrow Hawk Male Plt XIII
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Starbing Male, Rose Coloured Paster Plt XXXVI
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Temminck's Tringa, Spring Plumage, Little Tringa Summer Plumage Plt XXVII
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Whimbrel Plt XIV
Prideaux John Selby (1788-1867), Woodchat Male, Blue breasted Redstart...
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “A Guillemot and Chick”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “A Little Bustard”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “A Raven”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Ash Coloured Harrier, male”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Bimaculated Teal, Female”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Black Grous, male”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Brown Snipe, Summer Plummage” (Brown Longbeak)
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Common Buzzard, Female”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Common Crake, Male” (Meadow or Corn Crake)
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Common Linnet, Male and Female”
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Common Wild Duck” (Mallard Duck)
Prideaux John Selby (British, 1788-1867), “Common Wild Swan”