"Plan of Atlantic City. Map of Absecon Beach bounding on the Atlantic Ocean surveyed November 1852 and drafted on a scale of eight chains or 528 feet to the inch by J.L. Rowand, surveyor. Dec. 25, 1852."
Survey title: "Plan of Atlantic City. Map of Absecon Beach bounding on the Atlantic Ocean surveyed November 1852 and drafted on a scale of eight chains or 528 feet to the inch by J.L. Rowand, surveyor. Dec. 25, 1852."
India and red and blue inks on linen.
Facsimile signatures of signatories.
Paper size 18 x 67”
MANUSCRIPT TRUE COPY OF ATLANTIC CITY LEEDS TRACT Camden and Atlantic Land Company. "This agreement made the 15th day of April...one thousand eight hundred and fifty three between the Camden and Atlantic Land Company of the one part and Robert B. Leeds, Chalkley Leeds...[et al.] and others who may sign & thus become parties to this agreement --- being owners of lands on Absecum Beach in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey..." True copy of original survey preserved in the county clerk's office, part of the deed of sale for land upon which the terminus of the Camden and Atlantic Rail Road was built. Prepared as an exhibit for use in the lawsuit between the railroad and Atlantic City of January 22, 1882 and docketed in the hand of the clerk of the Municipal Court, Charles P. Stratton.
The Leeds family were eminent Quakers, pioneer founders of Atlantic City. A large clan with many cousins, they, or their in-laws, were to own the Hotels Dennis and Chalfont Haddon Hall and extensive vacation property. As an effort to extend the vacation season beyond Labor Day to Columbus Day, they instituted the national tradition the Miss America Pageant. During the depression of the 1930's they allowed city school teachers to eat free in their dining rooms to encourage them to remain in the city. Six of the Leeds's were signatories to the original agreement. The plat plan shows the city to run from Maine to California Avenues north to south along the ocean and west to Baltic Avenue. A significant piece of South Jersey history, an exact copy of the original public document, with the street names famous from the board game Monopoly.
From the map files of the West Jersey Rail Road and the Camden and Atlantic Rail Road with stamp.
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