Cartographic Sources in the Rosenberg Library. Henry Taliaferro. College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 1988. |
$100 |
Catalogue of the Botanical Art Collection at the Hunt Institute. Part 1, Plant Portraits, Artists A-D. James J. White and Elizabeth R. Smith. Pittsburgh, PA: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1985. |
$350 |
A Catalogue of Early Globes, Library Series No. 6. Ena Yonge. New York: American Geographical Society, 1968. |
$100 |
A Celebration of Birds. The Life and Art of Louis Agassiz Fuertes Robert McCracken Peck. New York: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia/Walker and Company, 1982. |
$200 |
Changing Perceptions: Mapping the Shape of Florida. Joseph H. Fitzgerald. Miami: Historical Museum of Southern Florida, 1984. Exhibition catalogue. |
$100 |
Charting the Chesapeake. Russell Morrison and Robert Hansen. Annapolis: Maryland State Archives, 1990. |
$150 |
The Charting of the Oceans: Ten Centuries of Maritime Maps. |
$150 |
Christopher Saxton, Elizabethan Map-Maker. Ifor Evans and Heather Lawrence. New York: Wakefield Historical Publications and the Holland Press, 1979. |
$150 |
Christopher Saxton and Tudor Map-making. Sarah Tyacke and John Huddy. British Library Series No. 2. London: The British Library, 1980. |
$200 |
City of Independence- Views of Philadelphia Before 1800. Martin P. Snyder. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975. |
$90 |
The Complete Guide to Prints and Printmaking. John Dawson, Ed. New York: Excaliber Books, 1981. |
$50 |
The Complete Plattmaker. Norman J.W. Thrower, Ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 1978. |
$90 |
Contours of Discovery: Printed Maps Delineating the Texas and Southwestern Chapters in Cartographic History of North America, 1513-1930. Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association and the Center for Studies in Texas History University of Texas at Austin, 1981 [Portfolio]. |
$450 |
Cook and the Cartography of the North Pacific. Coolie Verner. Burnaby, B.C., Canada: The Library, Simon Fraser University, 1978. |
$275 |
Currier & Ives Prints: An Illustrated Check List. Frederica A. Conningham. New York: Crown Publishers Inc., 1983. |
$90 |
The Democratic Art. Peter Marzio. Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum, 1979. |
$200 |
A Description of the Country, Virginia's Cartographers & Their Maps, 1607-1881. E.M. Sanchez-Saavedra. Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, N.D. (Portfolio) |
$175 |
The Discovery of South America J.H. Parry. New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., 1979. |
$90 |
The Discovery of the World. Maps of the Earth and the Cosmos. Mrs. Elizabeth Hale. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: David M. Stewart Museum and the University of Chicago Press, 1985. |
$200 |
Early American Maps and Views. Philadelphia, PA: The Philip H. & A.S.W. Rosenbach Foundation,1972. |
$100 |
Early Maps & Charts of the West Coast of North America. Robert Putriam. Guernsey, England: Mercbook International Ltd., 1985. (Booklet with text and color Illustration; accompanying portfolio missing) |
$90 |
Early Maps of North America Robert M. Lunney. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, 1961. |
$90 |
Early Printed Maps of the British Isles. A Bibliography 1477-1650, Revised Edition. Rodney W. Shirley. Somerset, England: The Holland Press, Ltd., 1980. |
$150 |
Early Sea Charts. |
$90 |
Edward S. Curtis. Barry Pritzker. New York/Avenel, NJ: Crescent Books, 1993. |
$90 |
Edward Lear's Birds. Susan Hyman. Secaucus, NJ: The Wellfleet Press, 1980. |
$190 |
Ehret: Flower Painter Extraordinary. Greta Calmann. New York: Graphic Society, 1977. |
$185 |
Eighteenth-Century Cities. A Panorama. Michael L. Berkvam and Sean Shesgreen. Bloomington, IL: The Lilly Library, Indiana University, 1983. |
$90 |
Eighteenth-Century Prints in Colonial America. Joan D. Dolmetsch, Ed. Williamsburg, VA: The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1979. |
$150 |
Eyewitness to War: Prints and Daguerreotypes of the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Martha Sandweiss, Rick Stewart and Ben Huseman. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986. |
$175 |