Asa Smith, Visible Heavens from January to April
Asa Smith (Artist And Editor)
Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy
Visible Heavens from January to April
Geo. C. Rand & Avery, Boston,
C.A. Alvord, et al. (printers)
Vincent L. Dill, New York (stereotyper)
Chase & Nichols, Boston: 1848
Daniel Burgess & Co., 60 John Street, New York: 1852
Samuel F. Nichols, Boston: 1860 & 1866
Hand-colored woodblock prints
Sheet size: 11 x 9 in.
Frame size: 18 1/2 x 16 3/4 in.
Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy was the most popular
American pictorial astronomy guide of the 19th century, with numerous diagrams demonstrating or showing principles of planetary motion and features, other astronomical phenomena, the moon, and the constellations.
Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy
Visible Heavens from January to April
Geo. C. Rand & Avery, Boston,
C.A. Alvord, et al. (printers)
Vincent L. Dill, New York (stereotyper)
Chase & Nichols, Boston: 1848
Daniel Burgess & Co., 60 John Street, New York: 1852
Samuel F. Nichols, Boston: 1860 & 1866
Hand-colored woodblock prints
Sheet size: 11 x 9 in.
Frame size: 18 1/2 x 16 3/4 in.
Smith’s Illustrated Astronomy was the most popular
American pictorial astronomy guide of the 19th century, with numerous diagrams demonstrating or showing principles of planetary motion and features, other astronomical phenomena, the moon, and the constellations.
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