Pancrace Bessa (1772-1835), after, Pyrus No 67
Pancrace Bessa (1772-1835), after
Redoute, P.J. & Duhamel du Moncaeu, Henri Louis (editors)
Pyrus No 67
from Traite des Arbres et Arbustes...
Published Paris, 1801-1819
Stipple engravings printed in color and finished by hand.
Image size 13 x 9 1/2",
Frame size 20 7/8 x 17 3/8”
Bessa was one of the most talented and popular flower painters of his day, and an outstanding pupil both of Redoute and of Gerard von Spaendonck. His paintings were regularly shown in the Paris Salon, and he produced watercolors on vellum for the French royal collection of watercolors on vellum known as the "Velins du Roi." And counted Charles X, king of France, as his patron. Charles purchased 500 of the Herbier watercolors which were later given to his daughter-in-law, the Duchesse de Berry.
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