Auguste Faguet (1841-1886), Elisa Champin (1807-1871), Album Vilmorin - No 10 - 1868
No 10 - 1868
From: Album Vilmorin
Published, Vilmorin Andrieux & Co. Paris: 1851 - 1881
Colored Lithograph
Paper size: 25 x 17 3/4 in.
The Vilmorins, though only producers and merchants on the Paris market, contributed enormously to the botanical and agronomic knowledge of their time. Their first catalog, comprising all kinds of seeds for kitchen-garden vegetables—including legumes, salad plants, flower seeds and bulbs—appeared in 1766. It was followed by a series of Publications périodiques in which the quality of the botanical and horticultural information was equaled only by the illustrations. By the mid-19th century, the firm had become the most important seed company in the world—active in production, trade, and scientific advances, thanks largely to Louis de Vilmorin’s crucial research into selection and heredity in the 1850s.
At the height of its international renown, the company published its splendid Album Vilmorin. The Vilmorins employed some 15 painters to create this work of botanical iconography; most had trained as artist-naturalists at the Jardin des Plantes, the former Royal Gardens, including Elisa Champin, who painted a large number of the finest plates. These illustrations transcend mere artistic interest, beautiful as they are; they are also a valuable resource for anyone researching cultivarietal evolution and old world botanical varietals.
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